Student Life
学生生活办公室有适合每个人的东西. 从领导机会和社区服务到社会活动和娱乐, getting involved is easy! 找一些你喜欢的事情,或者挑战自己去做一些新的事情. 不管怎样,不要让你的大学时光白白溜走. GET INVOLVED!!
特里顿学院认识到,参与课外活动丰富了社会, 学生和更大的大学社区的文化和教育经验. The Office of Student Life supports the institutional mission by offering students the opportunity to participate in social, recreational, educational and cultural activities through a blending of many areas of campus life including student activities, clubs and organizations, event programming, leadership programs, 社区/志愿者服务等等.
Office of Student Life
学生中心大楼B-240室(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3383
Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Get Involved!
无论你是在找一个社交俱乐部, a common interest group, or a supportive group, 特里顿学院提供的东西,以满足您的需求. 如果你有兴趣加入或者想成立一个新的俱乐部, 点击下面的俱乐部和组织申请按钮,我们将帮助您开始!
- 至少修满3个大学学分
- GPA必须保持在2分以下.0 per semester